Md. Thaherul Islam(East West University, 2010-07-22)
A myocardial infraction occurs when the blood supply to part of the heart muscle is blocked usually, by the sudden formation of a blood clot within a coronary artery, leading to death of part of the heart muscle. Cigarettes' ...
Melocanna baccifera (roxb). ln Brine shrimp lethality bioassay the extract
showed strong cytotoxicity where the LCso value of the leave extract was
177.86p9/ml. The neuropharmacological activity was evaluated by using ...
unicellular organisms common in the environment: many are parasites of vertebrates
vertebrates. Parasitology is the study of parasites and as such does not include bacterial,
are viral parasites. Human parasites are ...
Khan, Abu Sayeed(East West University, 2010-07-05)
A disease or medical condition is an abnormal condition o f an organ ism that impairs
body functions. An infectious disease is a clinical l y evident illness resulting from the presence
pathogenic microbial including ...
Islam, Md. Syful(East West University, 2009-08-09)
Ulceration is a of the fornation of an ulcer in body. Gastric acid mediating
ulcer is caned peptic ulcer. This acid is generating by a physiological pathway with the
help of different and secretomotors. When ulceration ...
Das, Bipon Chandra(East West University, 2009-08-08)
A peptic ulcer is damage to the lining of the stomach, duodenum, or esophagus due to
corrosion caused by gastric acid or digestive juices secreted by stomach cells. Among all
classes of drugs, proton pump inhibitors are ...
Hashem, Abu Kayes Md.(East West University, 2010-06-23)
Myocardial Infarctions oxygen supply and demand the myocardium. This usually plaque rupture with thrombus formation in a coronary vessel, resulting in an of blood supply to a portion risk factor them, hypertension and ...
Communicable diseases can be .passed from one person to another. Such diseases my be
passed through common contact like colds or the flu. Other communicable diseases like
AIDS and hepatitis may only be passed through ...
Neonatal septicemia is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates mostly in
developing, countries. Neonatal sepsis requires rapid and accurate diagnosis as well as
treatment for the improved outcome .. ...
Rahman, Md. Shazzadur(East West University, 2010-12-27)
Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint reported by persons above 65 years. It is
fined as the inability to initiate or maintain sleep, and the etiology can be multi-factorial.
Insomnia in the geriatric patients may ...
Hassan, Sharif Mohammad Tahsin(East West University, 2010-03-28)
Purpose: The purpose of this research work was to investigate the release pattern of
Indapamide from Hypen SR matrix tablets. Method: Thirty tablets of Hypen SR were
collected from the market and were characterized by ...
Diarrhea is one of the principal causes of morbidity and mortality among children in the
developing world and is the second leading killer of children under the age of five years,
accounting for approximately 1.6 million ...
Ahmed, Gias Uddin(East West University, 2009-12-21)
Abroma augusta Linn (Sterculiaceae), commonly known as Ulatkambal(Bengali). This
plant is used as medicinal plant for its distinct pharmacological activity. Chemical
analysis of this p lant has noticed various chemical ...
Raihana, Shahreen(East West University, 2009-12-24)
Purpose: The purpose of this research work was to investigate the correlation between the
release profile and hardness of Salbutamol Sulphate tablets. Method: Thirty tablets of
Salbutamol Sulphate 4 were collected from ...
Coronary heart disease is the most common of disease
important cause of premature death out the World. Hypercholesterolemia is with markedly mortality
in acute myocardial infarction. Life style can and modify some of the ...
Sakil, Habib Abdullah Md.(East West University, 2009-12-15)
DHATRI LAUHA is a widely used formulation in folk and ayurvedic systems of
medicine and it is commonly used for Sularoga (colic), pandu (anaemia) , kamala
(jaundice), amlapitta (hyperacidity non ulcer dyspepsia). This ...
Majumder, Tasnimul Hossain(East West University, 2022-07-18)
To see if berberine is effective and safe in the treatment of prediabetes. Methods. On the treatment of T2DM, randomized studies of berberine against lifestyle change, placebo, and/or oral hypoglycemics intervention were ...
This retrospective study was designed to observe the adherence of the new antidiabetic drugs prescribing practice in diabetic hospital of our country. During two months study period, 500 prescription (Diabetic Books ...
Background: Neurosurgery or neurological surgery is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions, illnesses and injuries involving the nervous system and its support structures. This ...
Exposure to other people’s tobacco smoking is term as passive smoking. As smoking is very much harmful for health so second hand smoking or passive smoking is also harmful but generally less concern is given on this fact. ...