In this paper, I present the principles of a low operational-cost but flexible Internet-based traffic management support system. The main core of the system is an extensible web server created by Microsoft called Internet Information Services (IIS, formerly Internet Information Server). The server application runes on IIS. The Traffic Management Support System is a smart system to assist the personnel involved in the management of the traffic system. It provides vital information to the management to make better decisions. As the traffics are growing rapidly (day by day) but the road systems/resources are not increasing in the same way to meet necessary demands, so it is important to manage the traffic system properly, with better utilization of the existing roads and resources. In the past various systems were proposed and implemented to overcome the problems stated above. Most of the systems were implemented with machine vision (image processing), RFID gateways, areal surveillance, and/or remote sensors technologies. But the major drawback of the above mentioned systems are their installation difficulties, maintenance over the time, error handling, coverage and cost effectiveness. Nevertheless, they consist uni-cast/ one way communication (client to server only). The demand for a feasible solution to the above mentioned problems is very high for a metro city- like Dhaka. Losing valuable time (approx 200%) being stuck in traffic jams and increases CO2 emissions (approx 300%) due to the present traffic situation. As a result, an up-to-date technological based traffic management support system/tool has become a need for such metro cities. Thus, our proposed system will bring the real time bidirectional communication between the clients and the servers. Accurate and real-time traffic situation can be plotted at any given time. In addition, it would make better utilization of the existing technologies to achieve these goals. In addition, users will be able to get help/advice from the system, find nearby places like hospitals, police stations, vehicle service stations. Users can also find the optimized and cost effective way to reach from source to destination or vice versa.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Computer Science and Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh