Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, are the leading
cause of death globally. NCDs is rising rapidly and cause severe health problem. So, a
study was conducted by face to face interview using a structured questionnaire on 329
female respondents in Dhaka city to know prevalence of NCDs, presence of behavioral
and biological risk factors and awareness regarding this disease in Bangladesh. Majority
of female respondents age limit in our study was 21-30 years. Majority, 89.67% were
educated. The highest occupation of respondents is student (58.97%). Majority of
hypertension (20.67%) and diabetes mellitus (11.25%). Family history of hypertension
(38.30%), tobacco (smoking 42.25% & smokeless (12.16%) and DM (39.51%). In this
study stage 1 hypertension (13.98%) and stage 2 hypertension (3.34%). Majority of obese
respondents (.91%) and (15.81%) are overweight. Majority 44.98% never do any physical
activity and (39.51%) female’s physical activity is satisfactory. 43.16% females eating
fruit is negative but majority (71.73%) females eating vegetable is positive for health.
Majority (62.61%) female eating outside meals and (12.77%) female always add salt that
is risk for our health. They can control their disease severity by maintain healthy body
weight, eating sufficient fruit and vegetables, start physical activity, reduce fat, reduce
salt and quit tobacco use. So from our study we find that, knowledge level of patients of
our country is not prominent and needs to be improved. Although they know about risk
factors of disease but they have lack of consciousness and do not obey them. So, some
steps should be taken by the authority with the help of professionals to make them aware
about NCDs.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Pharmacy (M.Pharm) in East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.