This Paper contains the improvement of Curtain system with Bluetooth device, which
is controlled by any smart phone. The motive of this project is to cope with the digital
world and the betterment for the human life. We use Bluetooth device to control the
whole system operated by a smartphone. A bluetooth software is installed in the
phone, which name is “Blue term”.Blue term is a default software, which is available
in google play store.We give a command on that software and the system works with
that command.We assign the input ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘0’ at the arduino coding for motor
rotation. Command ‘1’ is for closing the curtain which means motor rotate right,
command ‘2’ is for opening the curtain which means motor rotate left and command
‘0’ is for stop the curtain at any where. The Bluetooth device which is implemented to
the circuit, is password protected. So we can secure the system by giving password.
For the power supply of this system we use 5V adapter.The prototype has been
successfully developed and it could provide an effective mechanism to make our life
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh