When the data is fluid and relationships among attributes are getting complex and are
changing rapidly over time, a Multi-value Database Management System (MVDBMS) can
provide a great deal of support to handle that. MVDBMSs can handle attributes taking a list
of values unlike a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that can only accept
single-valued attributes to conform first normal form (1NF). It is suitable to use multi-valued
database in case where a list of values can be assigned to a single attribute in a particular
record. In this case, MVDBMS can save a lot of storage space and it is quite efficient to
retrieve a specific record. However, when it comes into retrieving data based on Select-
Project-Join (SPJ) queries, a multi-valued database cannot handle these queries in a
straightforward manner.In this thesis, we propose techniques to transform a MVDBMS into a RDBMS for
faster querying and retrieval. Therefore, we introduce two novel techniques: one of them will
generate database schema conforming to Third Normal Form (3NF) and the other will be in
First Normal Form (1NF). 3NF is a normal form that is used in normalizing a database design
to reduce the duplication of data and ensure referential integrity. In 1NF the domain of each
attribute contains only atomic (indivisible) values, and the value of each attribute contains
only a single value from that domain. 1NF create a separate table for each set of related data,
so a large number of attributes can be stored into one table but in a set of related data there is a high possibility of data duplicity. In 3NF all the attributes in a table are determined only by
the candidate keys of that table and not by any non-prime attributes; so data duplicity will be
reduced but to establish referential integrity it requires more table. As the number of table
increase, it will require more joining operation which will cost time.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Computer Science and Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh