Throughout the world, unplanned pregnancy is a considerable social and public health issue. The majority of cases are unwanted pregnancies and many of these cases result in abortion. Pregnancies in girls between 14 and 17 years rose from 4‰ in 1990 to almost 12‰ in 2006 (Trussell, et.al. 2016). This may have been due to two factors. Firstly, that contraception is either not used or is used incorrectly in many cases. Secondly, that penetrative sexual relations are being initiated at a younger age; and the younger age leads to a decrease in risk perception (Milsom et al.1982). The rate of abortion or voluntary pregnancy termination (VPT) represents an estimate of the number of unwanted pregnancies
Though oral contraceptive pills are most widely used contraception method for a long time in our country. As it is well accepted that oral contraceptive pills has a long list of side effects and taking a pill every day is troublesome for women, other contraception methods are getting popular day by day.
Thus the objective of this study is to find the real cause why women are using emergency pills, reason behind using condoms by the users and attitude towards ECP and condoms of its users. Target respondents were Married Women in the Reproductive Age (MWRAs) (1549 years) for emergency contraceptives and husbands of MWRAs for condom usage of Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, and Comilla. We have found that the reasons why emergency contraceptives getting popularity because it is easy to use, hustle free, can prevent unwanted pregnancy taking even after couple of days of having sex. Condom users generally use condoms because their partner do not want to take pills. And the second reason was they use condoms because it can prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Though the concept of emergency contraceptive is relatively new. Consumers are getting used to with ECP comparatively faster. Whether using emergency contraceptive pill or condom almost all of the populations were aware of family planning method.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Pharmacy (M.Pharm) in East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.