Recommendation system is a system where a user gets suggestions for the product based
on his/her previous preferences to the items. With the monumental growth of web
services, developing adequate methods for the recommendation has become dominant
in the research area. In terms of Collaborative Filtering(CF) user and item-based
methods are the most presiding approaches used in RS. In order to get an improved
recommendation, trust value and personality traits of users can play a key role in nding
similarity between users.It solves cold start problem where neighbors of the new user
are di cult to nd as they have not rated any item yet. In our work, the implicit(based
on personality),latent(based on trust) and explicit(based on rating) features of user
behaviour have been utilized to tackle the problems of Collaborative Filtering.The major
bene t of the proposed method is its consideration of direct and indirect trust values and
personality similarity compared to traditional collaborative ltering approaches.A com-
parative review of traditional rating based recommender system,personality based,trust
based and their combined approach is presented. Empirical analysis shows that using
trust propagation and personality traits substantially increases the e ciency of the CF
recommender system.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.