to fulfill the requirements to be a B.Sc Engineer from East West University, we have chosen the
[industrial attachment or internee. We did our internship at Energypac Engineer Ltd. Our internship
title is "Substation Equipment's Manufacturing". Our major area is Power. So as a Power Engineer
Substations Equipments are related to our field.
I\t Energypac we have gathered practical knowledge about Power transformer, Distribution
transformer, Instrument transformer (both CT and PT), Isolator, Breaker and Switchgear Items (LT,
IT and PFI). We saw the whole process of Manufacturing of the above terms. Also testing
)procedure of the Equipment's. Before doing this internship we have limited bookish knowledge about
:ransformer and Switchgear. But now we have little bit strong knowledge about this Equipments
comparing to before. In transformer section we saw the whole process step by step. We learnt how to
west a transformer. We learnt a Special test which is Lighting Impulse. We learn what the difference
)between transformer and instrument transformer is and uses CT and PT. why CT and PT are used at
Nigh voltage range. Also saw the manufacturing steps of instrument transponder and Switchgear
teams. At switchgear part LT panel and ill panel, what types of breaker are used for LT and ill
)panel Also why power factor is important and how we can improve power factor by using PFI
label. Why we used Circuit Breaker, how many types of Breaker, especially Vacuum Circuit
breaker (VCB). The uses of Isolator and manufacturing steps of it. Also we saw the paint and
fabrication process of these items.
This internship submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.