It was a great opportunity to work under the largesttele communication company of B ang lade sh.
The main purpose of the program was to perceive there all life situation. The academic
knowledge is not well enough to complete with re al world. This internship prog ram was helpful
to face the re al working environment. Being the large stellular phone company in the country,
Grameenphone has to have a gigantic number
of employees and a huge number of employee s
and a huge number of customers as well
This internship report contains all the information about my work experience with
Grameenphone Ltd, which got its cellular license in Bangladesh at 28th November 1996 by the
Ministry of Posts and Tele communications, the company launched its service on the
Independence Day of Bangladeshat 26th march 1997. I n GP I have spent a good time in learning
and was rewarded for my be efforts, learnt to de al with different situations, had experience of
corporate working environment which affects an employee performance and attitude towards
work , had good time in learning and performing. I would like to say that it will be one of my best
skills that would re main with me and help me in future which will offer many challenge s. I
would like to highlight this that my experience with Grameenphone Ltd. was very memory able
and full of learning' s where J found a lot of changes in my attitude, learning and be Havier . In
or der to achieve the major improvements BPR is seeking for, the change of structural
organizational variables, and other ways of managing and perfuming work is often considered
as being insufficient. For being able to reap the achievable benefits fully, the use of intonation
technology (IT) is conceived as a major contributing factor. While IT traditionally has been used
for supporting the existing business functions, i.e . it was use d for increasing organizational
This internship submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.