The influence of advertisement on the viewers mind and action is always an issue of interest for the advertisers, academicians and also for the researchers. This paper is an attempt to explore the views of the ad audience regarding different aspects of advertisement. In order to do so, it follows the survey method of research pursuing convenience sampling method. Quantitative method is used to analyze the data. Through a regression model, factors affecting the success of advertisement are identified. According to the sample of this research the success factors are creativity in advertisement, advertisement regulations, non‐offensive advertisements and ability
of the advertisement to act as source of information. The statistical analysis also shows that creative ads and well regulated advertisement environment get the positive nod of the viewers. Conversely, too much informative ad and offensive ad receive negative rating from the viewers. Interestingly, transformations of advertisement content and techniques do not come out statistically significant. This research collects ample information considering viewers’ perspectives, which the stakeholders may find important for developing their respective courses of action.